5 Things That Will Grow Your Business

As a solopreneur, how do I grow my enterprise into a small business?

1. Strong Positioning and Narrow Focus

Don’t try to be all things to all people. Relentlessly focus on generating work from ideal clients—the type of work they have a competitive advantage with, instead of bouncing from one area to another.

2. Make Time for Marketing and Business Development

To build your enterprise, you must make time for marketing and business development. You may have heard me talk about the importance of “selling yourself” time every day.  YOU are the one they believe in, trust, and what to hear more from you.

3. Establish a Power Hour—a chunk of time you carve out

Every day that's just for you. Believe that, at least for that hour, you are the most important client.

To figure out your Power Hour, consider the following:

A. When are you least distracted?

B. When are you most productive?

C. Where is my quiet place to do this work?

4. Ruthlessly Delegate and Eliminate

That makes sense, right? It’s not easy to carve out a Power Hour, and delegation and elimination are ways we make time for ourselves.

How do you do it? It must have a system for it.

Consistently ask yourself the right questions:

  • 1) What can I eliminate?
  • 2) What can I simplify?
  • 3) What can I automate?
  • 4) What can I delegate?

5. Curious Conversations...

One of the best ways to build trust and create a positive impression with a prospective client is to ask good questions and listen intently to the answers.  It's about them, NOT you or what you're trying to sell.  They don't really want their problem solved - not yet!

Categories: Scaling